Svatební agentura Světlany Uldrichové
Svatební agentura
Světlany Uldrichové

Zdeňka a Ondra

100% professional (but still very much human!) wedding planners. Thanks to Světlana and her crew, we managed to get married without any problems or worries. Despite the current Covid situation, everyone loved and enjoyed our wedding day. She was an immense help during the whole process of wedding planning, not only because she suggested the best suppliers and services available, but also because she was keeping us optimistic the whole time, and she was always ready to help us or give us advice whenever we weren’t sure about anything. What is also mention-worthy is that she really knows how to handle certain types of people and situations, and thus predict and prevent any kind of wedding day problems.SO if you want your wedding day to be perfect, Světlana is the right person to ask for help.

Líbila se vám tato svatba?

Chcete mít také dokonale zorganizovanou svatbu na světové úrovni? Tak, aby vy a vaši hosté vzpomínali na svatbu? Kontaktujte mě a probereme detaily vaší svatby u šálku dobré kávy.

Koncept "5 senses wedding"

Zhlédněte si video o konceptu "5 Senses Wedding"

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Napište mi a ráda vám zodpovím veškeré otázky.